Welcome to Episode 267 of the Yeukai Business Show.

In this episode, Chloe Thomas shares her success strategies when it comes to eCommerce marketing.

So if you want to market your business, find solution to the problems you may be facing, and learn where to focus on your marketing so you can more clients, tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:

What are the processes involved in eCommerce marketingThe importance of google analytic and tag manager in online marketingRecommended tools that can be used on your online businessMistakes you have to watch out for when running a business

About Chloe

Chloe Thomas is an expert in e-commerce marketing whose accomplishments include:

Globally recognised eCommerce marketing problem solver.Author of several bestselling books, keynote speaker, advisor, and host of both the award-winning eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast AND the brand new Keep Optimising marketing podcast."A frequent speaker and chair at the premier online marketing events in the UK and beyond. Including IRX (Internet Retailing Expo), IRC (Internet Retailing Conference), eCommerce Expo, Autumn Fair, and many client conferences and new business events.

More Information

Learn more about how you can improve your results with e-commerce marketing with

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecommasterplan

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chloethomasecommerce/ 

Website: https://ecommercemasterplan.com/podcast/ 

Links & Mentions From This Episode:

Latest Book on Amazon - eCommerce Marketing: How to Get Traffic That BUYS to your Website

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