Xiao graduated in 2005 with honors in chemistry from Caltech and subsequently worked as a research technician at the Broad Institute of Harvard/MIT and has an MD-PhD from the Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Memorial Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program in New York City. 

At the moment, she is finishing up her 4th clinical year at Johns Hopkins University as a combined paediatrics-medical genetics resident. She is going to stay there for a 5th year as a research fellow and genetics chief resident starting in July this year.

As Xiao has an unparalleled thirst for knowledge (and my guess is that she gets easily bored) she also works with a group at the university of Freiburg in Germany on the genetics and genomics of inborn errors of immunity.

Now, Xiao isn’t anyone for name or title dropping, but all of this information is necessary, I believe, to understand that some of the areas we will be covering today are in the hands of an absolute expert - even though Xiao will most probably strongly disagree with me on that.

As if all of this weren’t enough, Xiao and her boyfriend Nicolas have started a wine distribution company - one of Xiao’s great passions in life: wine and the art of wine production. Following this passion, she met my brother, a winemaker himself, and, ultimately, me. Therefore, we can safely claim that our friendship is a by-product of grapes, matured over time and getting better with the years.

The few hours a week she has for recreation, she usually fills with learning something new: like knitting, learning German (God knows why) or pottery - just to name a few. When being with her I feel positively challenged, occasionally stupid, always serving my greater understanding that life is a journey of discovery and learning, with no goal but to grow in the present moment.

Xiao on Facebook

Joe Rogan
"The Man Without Qualities", Robert Musil, 1930-1942
Alexander von Humboldt
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Joaquin Cortez
Martin Luther King
Subsistence Agriculture
Frank Cornelissen, Winemaker on Sicily
John Oliver on HBO
DNA Vaccine
RNA Vaccine
Victor McKusick
Johns Hopkins University
Neill de Grasse Tyson and Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, 2018
EnLefko Radio, Greece
Kanenas Red Wine
Heinrich Vollmer Vineyard

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