You are dining out,  but it's not your best "look".  Maybe you have lost track of the balance of your debit card and shaved a buck or two off your server's tip to make ends meet.  Or, you might have received a bad performance review recently at work,  and you are not exactly sure how many checks are on the horizon as you quickly calculate how much more another frozen marguerita will add to your tab.  Finally,  maybe you order water and soup at the high end restaurant and reconcile that your $3 tip is commensurate with calories you actually consumed during your two hour squat session at the premier corner table of the joint, pitifully optimistic of impressing your blind date.  "The stuffed mushrooms ruled!" You proclaim while consuming the last one and slipping the server the groupon that paid for it.  All of these conditions speak to the dysfunctional relationship between diner and server that often afflicts the modern service industry.  If you have ever wondered what percolates behind the kind eyes, polite smiles and tired jokes of the warriors of these businesses,  Tonya Fritch's first book "Just The Tip: The Ins and Outs of the Industry" serves as an excellent primer.  A humorous and insightful look at life on the front lines of modern service,  Tonya offsets her frustrations with a sense of self-deprecation and humor that will give you pause next time you are handed the tab and consider "just the tip".

YUH Theme by David T and Mojo 3

Video excerpt from this interview:

"Just The Tip:  The Ins and the Outs from the Industry" on Amazon

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