The Mercury Theatre Podcast brings back the days of yesteryeear with a large cast of talented voice actors recruited from around the web to deliver weekly anthlogy plays.  The mastermind behind this creative venture is John Badger, a latter day Orson Welles who writes most of the scripts and pre and post production tasks.  Lisa,  Aaron and I listened to quite a few from the anthology series and were particularly entertained by the shows about the Wright Brothers and The Denver Airport,  in addition to the clever mock commercials peppered there in.  Each episode of The Mercury Theatre podcast is between 25 to 30 minutes long,  or only a fraction of the 30-plus hours John commits a week to to pre and post production.  Our Spotify video this week includes of our cagy feline friend Solomon and lots of random pyro!  So,  you will not want to miss the visuals :).  

Note:  This episode is dedicated to my beautiful sister Brenda,  who recently passed at the age of 62 - Phil

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