Suzanne Munson's first two books, "Jefferson's Godfather: The Man Behnd the Man" and "The Metaphysical Jefferson" tell the stories of one of the most important figures in American history,  his mentor and the critical events leading up the the American Revolution.  Suzanne leaves no stone unturned in her body of work.  The second law professor in the history of the United States,  George Wythe played second fiddle to noone among a legion of loyal students that included Jefferson,  Henry Clay and Supreme Cour Justice John Marshall.  Suzanne's mission is to bring the myriad accomplishments of this unheralded founding father into the light of day and we were more than happy to give her a forum to sing his considerable praises.

Suzanne's Website

Jefferson's Godfather:  The Man Behind the Man" on Amazon

The Metaphysical Jefferson on Amazon

Show Notes

George Wythe


Mother died when he was 33

When he arrived at Williamburg at age 16, he suffered for not having male mentorship, and would get involved in card games, bad influences..

He never wrote much about her

Father Peter died at 49

Went to Williamsburg at age 16 to go to college of William and Mary

Jefferson had a slave closer than his brother named Jupiter.

Jefferson took full credit for the statute of religious freedom, having it noted on his gravestone. However, Wythe was at least an equal partner in the concept of seperation of church and state


Governor’s Palace, George Wyth House, Raliegh’s Tavern, Courthouse, Magazine, Wren building, Palace Green… It is beautiful. Why did Jefferson called it Devilsburg?

There were white slaves, indentured servants

White and red stripes on barber shops indicates bloodletting. Elizabeth likely experienced that during her illness.

Punishments and executions practiced in town square, by the court house.

William and Mary the second oldest school in America, next to Harvard

Williamburg, Richmond and Philadelphia were the focus of the book. Culturally and demographically, how did these cities differ from one another? How foreign might Philadelphia have been when Wythe went to the first Continental Congress in 1775?

Williamsburg is very quaint today. With such political division, was there ever an atmosphere of danger or violence over the city?

Were any rare or singular copies of books lost to history with the Wren Building fire?

Rev. Goodwin and Rockerfeller resurrected Williamsburg in the early 20th century and Wythe’s was one of the first buildings restored.

George Wythe

Signer of the DOI

Attended first 2 Continental Congresses.

Believed in emancipation

Freed his own slaves

Jefferson’s mentor

Many students named their children after him

Jefferson’s son passed before him, but he had a grandson named George Wythe Randolph

Taught John Marshall - Supreme Court Judge - Valley Forge survivor

Taught Henry Clay - senator, lauded by Lincoln as a great man

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