Ayanna Davis is a remarkable young woman who has lived the majority of her life not knowing that she lived on the Autism spectrum (ASD).  Once diagnosed,  she has devoted her efforts to understanding her condition and utilizing her natural creativity to demonstrate how phenomenal she can be.  Her illustrations have been published 27 children's books,  including "My Melanin" by Renita Pagan,  which teaches young girls of color to "embrace their natural features" and develop a positive image of themselves. In addition to her illustrations,  Ayanna has recently authored her own children's book, and works every day to be a positive influence on the lives of others.  Ayanna Davies proudly proclaims herself as "Phenomenally Autistic" on her social media accounts.  Once honored at the United Nations,  we were the ones honored by her visit on this episode of "Yeah Uh Huh"!

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Show Notes

Phenomenally Autistic

Children’s Author, Illustrator, artist and fashion designer.

Autism a Neurological Disorder. Research has indicated you are very knowledgeable about your condition and can speak to things like “sensory overload” and “touch adversity”. Have you experienced most of these effects?

Are you naturally inquisitive?

Ayanna will not tell you how old she is.

She was undiagnosed most of her life

She has illustrated 17 books

Latest Illustration is “My Melanin”. by Renita Pagan. What is that about?

You have published 4 coloring books. Is there a common theme to them?

Inner city people are diagnosed later in life than people with privilege and advantage.

Mohammed Aziz named Ayana.

You said on Frank’s podcast that you “have to teach people how to treat you”. How do you do that?

I read another interview where you said “do what you are most afraid of”. Is that a way to challenge yourself, or to overcome adversity?

In another article you talk about the fact that autistic actors and actresses seldom get work, even if they are up for the role of an autistic person. Why is that the case?

Al Sharpton is a family friend.

“Art saved my life”?

Aside from your father, who do you admire or look to as a role model?

You have had a number of Gran Mal seizures. I had no idea this was indicative of autism.

How were you honored at the United Nations?

You appeared on the Maury Povich show, which can be a pretty wild show. Do you want to talk about that?

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