YUH Episode 16 - Terri Milburn

My big sister is the snot nosed kid whisperer!  As a kid,  she would take me to the circus,  Holiday on Ice at Cincinnati Gardens and Summer Fair,  where she would show her mixed media artwork and macrome leatherwork alongside a collection of hippy friends straight out of the cast of "Hair".  I idolized my sister Terri,  and when she moved out (she wants to make sure you know a person of adult age CANNOT BY DEFINITIION "run away"!),  I was kind of devastated.  Among the things she left in her wake was a collection of priceless,  porcelin Beatle Bobbleheads which I proceeded to destroy with extreme prejeduce... and a collection of vinyl albums that listened to while I missed her presence.  In this episode,  my amazing sister joins Lisa,  Aaron and I to talk about those albums and all the memories that came with them.  

- Phil

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