***NOTE*** Molly says "Watergate" almost this entire episode, but we promise you she meant to say Whitewater. In fact, she mostly says "Wuddergate," and she would like to apologize for being from Maryland. 

If you didn't follow the Clinton scandals because you were busy bopping to the Spice Girls, we've got you. We're covering the most infamous Clinton White House scandals, as well as a few that we bet you haven't heard — Monica Lewinsky is just the beginning. "A vast, right wing conspiracy" has us in over our heads we discuss Travelgate, Filegate, and the plot to make Vince Foster's tragic death look like a professional hit. Listen up, cause we've got the ammo you need when your dad tells you he was holding his gun in the wrong hand.  

Please be aware that this episode contains many triggers and here are your warnings: Bill Clinton, Brett Kavanaugh, rape, suicide, murder, pedophilia, and any other human vice you can think of.
