Did you know that 3/4 young people lack the skills needed for employment?
Did you know that a 15-year-old can expect to have 17 jobs across 5 different industries?
Did you know that 40% of the global workforce is considering leaving their employer this year?

We dream of a world where all youth have access to dignified, meaningful, and purposeful work. To achieve that dream, we need to understand the opinions and experiences of young people. The Y Australia and Deloitte have teamed up to research how the ever-changing work landscape is affecting young people's expectations of work.

Listen to YChats host Maeson chat with Sandesh on Youth Jam Radio where they tell you all about the survey and how you can have your voice heard!! Check out Perth's youth-led, youth-focussed radio station at https://www.youthjam.com.au/ 

If you are 18-35, let your voice be heard and take this 15-minute survey to help design solutions for young people, with young people. Complete the Youth Meaningful Work Survey today at https://youthmeaningfulwork.com/ and pass it on to your friends! 

Filled out the survey? Over 35 but still want to help? Share this survey with your organisations and networks!

If you're 16 - 30, you can also have your thoughts heard via the WhyNot platform! Share your unfiltered thoughts on the Work Revolution at https://www.whynot.org.au/unfiltered-thoughts/