We are delighted to be joined this week by the founder of Queer Theology (and our dear friend), Brian G. Murphy! Brian is one of the most knowledgable humans on the planet and he's here to talk about polyamory, queering the Bible, and LOVE. 

About Brian

Brian G. Murphy is a filmmaker, activist, and entrepreneur. He grew up evangelical Christian in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC and for the past seven years has been engaged in faith-based activism and social justice work. He participated in the 2007 Soulforce Equality Ride, co-founded Legalize Trans*, and most recently partnered with Fr. Shannon Kearns to create Queer Theology.

Brian has a passion for using digital storytelling engage hearts and inspire action. He works with visionary individuals and organizations to develop and share their work through online channels: web, social, email, and video. He has worked with qubo Television Network, GLSEN, Red Letter Christians, The Simple Way, Tony Campolo, and the Evangelical Associate for the Promotion of Education; as well as producing television shows and short films.

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Queer Theology

Brian's Podcast

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