#deeplearning #neuralarchitecturesearch #metalearning

Deep Neural Networks are usually trained from a given parameter initialization using SGD until convergence at a local optimum. This paper goes a different route: Given a novel network architecture for a known dataset, can we predict the final network parameters without ever training them? The authors build a Graph-Hypernetwork and train on a novel dataset of various DNN-architectures to predict high-performing weights. The results show that not only can the GHN predict weights with non-trivial performance, but it can also generalize beyond the distribution of training architectures to predict weights for networks that are much larger, deeper, or wider than ever seen in training.


0:00 - Intro & Overview

6:20 - DeepNets-1M Dataset

13:25 - How to train the Hypernetwork

17:30 - Recap on Graph Neural Networks

23:40 - Message Passing mirrors forward and backward propagation

25:20 - How to deal with different output shapes

28:45 - Differentiable Normalization

30:20 - Virtual Residual Edges

34:40 - Meta-Batching

37:00 - Experimental Results

42:00 - Fine-Tuning experiments

45:25 - Public reception of the paper


- Boris' name is obviously Boris, not Bori

- At 36:05, Boris mentions that they train the first variant, yet on closer examination, we decided it's more like the second

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13100

Code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/p...


Deep learning has been successful in automating the design of features in machine learning pipelines. However, the algorithms optimizing neural network parameters remain largely hand-designed and computationally inefficient. We study if we can use deep learning to directly predict these parameters by exploiting the past knowledge of training other networks. We introduce a large-scale dataset of diverse computational graphs of neural architectures - DeepNets-1M - and use it to explore parameter prediction on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. By leveraging advances in graph neural networks, we propose a hypernetwork that can predict performant parameters in a single forward pass taking a fraction of a second, even on a CPU. The proposed model achieves surprisingly good performance on unseen and diverse networks. For example, it is able to predict all 24 million parameters of a ResNet-50 achieving a 60% accuracy on CIFAR-10. On ImageNet, top-5 accuracy of some of our networks approaches 50%. Our task along with the model and results can potentially lead to a new, more computationally efficient paradigm of training networks. Our model also learns a strong representation of neural architectures enabling their analysis.

Authors: Boris Knyazev, Michal Drozdzal, Graham W. Taylor, Adriana Romero-Soriano


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