In this webinar, analysts Chris Nicoll and Terry Cudmore discuss the future of mobile video.

Video services delivered over mobile broadband data networks are both a dream and a nightmare for network builders. Mobile video is in high demand, and consumers are willing to pay for it. However, poor design and high usage can lead to network congestion, negative user experiences and, ultimately, customer churn. While video is often viewed as a killer application for mobile broadband access, it lacks the requisite linear revenue-to-usage business case that has characterized killer applications such as voice and SMS in the past.

Earlier today, Analyst Terry Cudmore and I hosted a webinar that explored the pressing issues of mobile video delivery. We provided some actionable recommendations and insight to ensure that video becomes a killer application, not a network-killing service.

The webinar runs about an hour. Click here to download: audio (mp3) and slides (pdf).