Did you start playing zills when you were a baby bellydancer? Or did you start later in your dance journey?

Or maybe you haven’t picked them up yet!

Join Sahira and myself today as we chat all things Zills.

Sahira has had a passion for these beautiful little instruments since the beginning and is determined to get everyone else as in love with them as she is.

A worthy goal, to make everyone as much of a zill nerd as her!

Whether you’re comfortable with zills already or just starting your journey Sahira has some awesome tips, tricks, and insights here that can help take your playing to the next level.

Sahira is SUPER generous with her knowledge, and if you’ve ever been curious about zills, definitely check out this episode to see what’s possible if you just get a little nerdy!

Shownotes at www.thebellydancebundle.com/79