Previous Episode: It’s Like That
Next Episode: New Yakuza!!!!

On tonight's Yakuza:

-Joey has a six-pack?

-Thoughts on GCW at the Hammerstein

—Nick Gage: “Clearly, he’s not alright”

—A contract … to save Nick Gage

-Kanye craziness update

-Joe Rogan and “everything’s racist”

-“If you don’t want Tom Brady on your team, you should have been aborted”

-More on Nick Gage: “You got these fu**ing nerds energized”

-CZW is bringing back UltraViolence!!! “No … they’re not”

-Mrs. Lowlife Louie weighs in on proper health

—Allie Kat-ch: “She started celebrating White Claws”

—“This whole body positivity bulls**t …”

—Mr. & Mrs. Tremont: “Morbidly obese and loving in a warehouse that stinks”