After a wonderful wedding and six weeks off, I return to the Father John Strickland book - "The Age of Paradise". I'm joined by Young Penitent, who was gracious enough to host me on his channel just this past week. We chatted there about Presuppositional Apologetics and the Transcendental Argument.

That episode is here:

In this "bridge" chapter 3 of Fr John's book, we will cover the time period between Constantine the Great and Justinian, setting up the next conversation to come in which we'll discuss more of how Western Christendom begins to fall off the rails.

Today's topics include Eusebius vs Augustine, Caesaropapism, Symphonia, and the development of early Christian statecraft.

You can purchase Fr. John's books here:

And Daniel "Young Penitent" Marker's YT channel is here: