FIDO FRIDAY! šŸ¶ šŸ–¤ This week we have adorable Jane Foster fromĀ @petsearchwashingtonpa!

Pet Search met Jane Foster at the shelter in St. Thomas in July 2020. Jane was living in the office and was a shelter favorite. Jane is a 7 year old terrier mix that had a rough life on the island. Her eyes speak volumes of the negligence of her early years and she looks much older than she truly is.

We fell in love with Jane's sweet personality and thought we could provide a better life for her in the states and she flew to Pet Search in August 2020. Since she has been with us, she has been seen by several veterinarians for medication/ treatment of sores on her paws. Many, many, many trips to the vets, lots of different medications & finally a biopsy with the results being biopsy-mast cell tumors.

Jane is on meds to help control the licking of her paws, as she is impossible to keep a cone on. Surgery is not an option for mast cell. Jane would love to spend the last 6-9 months of her life being absolutely spoiled beyond words.

Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ Jane gets lots of love, walks, runs in the yard, cookies and ā€œmeatballsā€ with her medicine tucked inside with us, but she has to share with the other fosters and our dogs. She deserves a ā€œone-on-oneā€ relationship for her remaining days. Pet Search will provide meds, food and any additional medical treatments for Jane to someone that would be willing to be her final mom or dad.

For more info on providing Jane Foster a home, please contact Pet Search directly at