Republican Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch speaks to us after tens of thousands of people watched a Facebook video in which he admonished Texans to take Covid-19 more seriously. He also lamented that the governor (from his own party) was ‘leading from behind’. Commissioner Koch also breaks down the number of ventilators available, and how Dallas County will likely be the first in Texas to have a ‘crash’ of cases coming into the healthcare system.

Dr. Deborah Birx, who has been helping to head up the national Coronavirus Response Task Force, offers what could be some positive news about the expected peak of Covid-19 cases in the U.S.

Texas nurse practitioner Sara Phillips, who has responded to outbreaks around the world, including Ebola and H1N1, says she is disappointed with the federal response to Covid-19. She talks about big missed opportunities to contain the virus, and about how the outbreak is a test of the American psyche, “As Americans…we have a bit of an invincibility complex”.

And Glenn Martin, a Tarrant County resident who tested positive for Covid-19, talks about what he has been through, and what treatment has helped him turn the corner in his recovery. His advice, “Stay positive you can do it…you can overcome it if you do get it”.