I am honored to have Cathy Curtis, CFP ®, founder of Curtis Financial Planning, return to XYPN Radio. It’s been almost three years since Cathy last joined me on Episode 313, (linked below) where she delved into her passion for running a solo practice tailored primarily to women who are single, heads of household, and breadwinners.

We dive into the technological enhancements Cathy has implemented since her last visit, from embracing Holistiplan to integrating Kwanti into her tech arsenal and other software tools that she uses daily. We touch on the importance of using a TAMP for those entering the industry and how many tools are now available to advisors considering opening their own firm. 

One of the most compelling parts of our conversation centers around Cathy’s AUM fee model where she describes how simplifying your fee structure is key over the long term. She eloquently discusses setting time boundaries with clients, which both assist your service model and build relationships that can last a lifetime. Cathy's confidence is contagious, and by the end of this episode, you'll feel more equipped to sell your own value. 

We are incredibly lucky to have Cathy as part of the XYPN community and to have her return for a second conversation on XYPN Radio to share her sage advice with our members.