If you are interested in what it takes to transition from a long-term wirehouse position to solo RIA ownership, what it means to truly answer a calling, and how to sustainably serve others without being self-sacrificing, this episode is for you!

XYPN member Kaysian Gordon, MBA, CFP®, CPA, CKA®, founder of Kaysi Gordon Financial Planning, started her career at UBS where her team grew over her tenure and ultimately focused on doing financial planning for ultra-high net worth clients.  She spent 14 years there learning the ins and outs of serving those clients and was the first on her team to get her CFP® designation. 

Seven years ago she was able to start a weekly devotional blog that was not finance-related, so she had the freedom to share her thoughts and insights.  It later helped lay the foundation for her current niche of working with women of faith that are in transition. 

When she felt called to leave UBS, she joined another organization that not only provided a unique “practice run” at RIA entrepreneurship, it allowed her to build a client base she could take with her when she decided to go independent—a rare opportunity.

In late 2021, she left that RIA and launched her own firm with the help of XY Planning Network. She's been growing quickly (60 households in less than a year!) and her clear niche has not only helped build her base, it’s kept her feeling fulfilled. 

We also talked about how important time of life is—as she is a single mom with a ten-year-old daughter (who, by the way, co-authored a book with her!).  Her life stage has impacted the design of her business and how she ultimately wants her life to look.  There is so much to connect with in Kaysi’s story, I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!


You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://www.xyplanningnetwork.com/360