We’re excited to have four XYPN members and firm owners on the show today. Becky Meats, Bonnie Arnold, Molly Laughter, and Adrienne Ross were introduced to each other during their XYPN Launcher program in 2019 and have met every week since then as a mastermind group.  

We dig in and discuss what makes this group work—from the framework to the attitudes, and how they ensure the meetings and group are helpful for each of them. We talk about imposter syndrome, pivotal points in the group's history, and how being part of a group of others at the same level is helpful instead of being competitive. You’ll hear them share stories of how the group has been a lifeline (in every sense) and how they couldn’t imagine running solo firms without the support of a group like theirs. The laughter and energy this group shares is contagious and motivating.

If you’re not yet part of a study group or worry about the challenges that come along with running a firm on your own, this episode is for you.

You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://www.xyplanningnetwork.com/309