Chris Bates of Wealthful is the Financial Adviser and Mortgage Broker with a very unique (and very successful) service offering for young families looking to ‘live a life fulfilled with what they value’.

Step inside his virtual LinkedIn abode and you’ll instantly get a feel for the kinds of ideas, information and opinions that swirl around in Chris’ head on the daily. With his short form posts reaching an audience of 20,000 + people a day, it’s obvious his stuff has a lot of merit and is having a very positive effect on his 18,000 + followers (and his bottom line).

This podcast swings in all kinds of directions and touches on some really interesting stuff like:

How to nail your LinkedIn presence Chris Bates style How to use social media to develop client relationships at scale Chris’ bold and unique approach to qualifying (or de-qualifying) potential clients Chris’ advice on how not to get blocked by LinkedIn… twice. Chris’ tips on the current property market and where it’s headed

We’re just thankful Chris made it out of Africa prison-free to sit down and chat with us. Yep, for the full (uncensored) version of THAT story, you’ll definitely want to tune in for this episode…


A big thank you to Zurich our major partner and also to Sunsuper for the continued support.