An interview about Metatron Press' newest project, GLYPHÖRIA, with Managing Editor, Ashley Obscura.
Ashley Obscura is a Canadian-Mexican poet, writer, publisher and literary curator. She is the author of three poetry collections: SEXO POR ÚLTIMA, AMBIENT TECHNOLOGY and I AM HERE. She is the Founder and Managing Editor of METATRON PRESS (2016), a multi-award-winning literary publisher that publishes experimental and cutting-edge contemporary poetry and fiction in unique pocketbook editions by debut authors. Metatron’s projects also include various explorations in literary discoverability and innovative solutions to capturing the cadence and spirit of contemporary writing, including over 50 events, a podcast and multiple explorations in digital publishing, including the recently released GLYPHÖRIA project, a new digital literary platform.

GLYPHÖRIA is a literary cyber environment designed to optimize the emotional gravity of poetry online through the exhibition of curated multidisciplinary poetry. It asks: How do we mark poetry upon the pixelated walls of the internet in new ways? What if there were a space where traditional and contemporary publishing could seamlessly co-exist, merge, and cross-fertilize to inspire a new generation of literary art forms? If traditional poetry imagined itself on walls, or in print, on paper, bound— GLYPHORIA imagines itself as exploring the marking of meaning and presence on ephemeral digitalia. Via a series of guest-edited issues, GLYPHORIA fuses multimedia poiesis within a living archive of glyphilic glitches, orchestrating an immersive conversation between various forms and formats. Inspired by the glyph, the most ancient form of written communication, GLYPHORIA reimagines how we publish, share literature and pollinate digital chasms in the 21st century. It is their hope to engage poetry in its current iterations— influenced and created within the technological age, its pixels and echos and glitches. Together we will bring collaborative poiesis and emotional gravity to our ambient networks and clouds.

Explore the platform at


Originally aired on CKUT on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024