Nash Vegas. Music City. The Minneapolis of the South?* That's right - we're talking Nashville, Tennessee. Inspired by Ines's recent impromptu road trip and Kathy's many visits, we talk about what's good in Tennessee's capital city. From music to bars to BBQ, we cover it all. We also delve into the bonds that form between roadtripping friends, bar fights we've been in (What? I know!) and how you, too, can pass yourself off as a music producer to sneak into Jack White parties. 

Special thanks to friend of the podcast (and Kathy!)/Nashville local Shannon Noble for all her recommendations. 

* At one time, Nashville's claim to fame was that it rivaled Minneapolis in flour production. Who knew? At least it's not the Underwear Capital of the World - that's Knoxville, TN, a title which is also disputed by Minneapolis. What's up with these cities? 

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