Episode 007 features an interview with DJ Smith, Chief Creative Officer of the XR startup-focused Glimpse Group. DJ is also the leader of the New York Virtual Reality Meetup (NYVR)  and the discussion includes the origins and growth of NYVR, the impact of the Oculus Quest, how the Glimpse Group is contributing advances in AR and VR  marketing, education and training, and where to turn for XR insights beyond the newsfeed.

DJ Smith

The Glimpse Group


​2012 Palmer Luckey Oculus Kickstarter

​Brian August - 110 Stories AR App

​Jay Van Buren, Chris Gaughan,VR QUEST - Early Adopter

​Alper Guler, Michael Cadoux - QReal

​Acron - VR and Mobile Multiplayer Game

​Oculus Reddit Group


​Call Recording: Skype 

Podcasting: Anchor

Recording: Logic Pro X ​

Music: "Are You There?" by DR. MARS on Spotify