Episode 010 covers XR in Retail and features an interview with Ed McCabe of Zebra Technologies, who discusses how AR headsets are improving efficiency in warehouses, the use of AR for picking and stocking, how XR is driving immersive brand experiences, and what consumers might expect to see this 2019 Holiday Shopping season. Also discussed are Neil Redding and Tony Parisi’s Near Future of Retail Project and small businesses getting started in AR.

Augmented Reality Experiences Will Save Brick and Mortar Retail by Tom Emrich

SnapChat Lego Wear Store

Near Future of Retail at Medium

Neil Redding, Near Future of Retail, Redding Futures

The Top 10 Technology Trends In Retail: How Tech Will Transform Shopping In 2020 by Bernard Marr at Forbes

How to Afford an Augmented Reality Solution as a Small Business by Nar Poghos

Katelyn Coghlan, Mezmos, The Glimpse Group

Ed McCabe

Zebra Technologies

NFL Next Gen Stats

Call Recording: Anchor

Podcasting: Anchor

Recording: Logic Pro X ​

Music: "Christmas Shopping" by Buck Owens and His Buckaroos


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