Kate’s move and remodel are taking over her life — in a good way. We talk about the transitions and strangeness surrounding buying a new house and then — moving to it. After around a year of what can only be described as peril, Jenn QUIT HER JOB YESSSSS. She found a better fit for […]

Kate’s move and remodel are taking over her life — in a good way. We talk about the transitions and strangeness surrounding buying a new house and then — moving to it.

After around a year of what can only be described as peril, Jenn QUIT HER JOB YESSSSS. She found a better fit for more money that’s closer to home. Perfection? Pretty damn close. Kate presented at her alma mater at MinneWebCon causing all sorts of feelings. Did we mention her talk was called Not Wearing Pants? And finally, we discuss Bruce Jenner, the interview, his bravery and transgender issues, including how to increase your own awareness. Thanks for listening, and if you have a chance, rate us on iTunes.

Kate’s Move

Jenn quit her job!

Kate’s Freelancing Presentation at U of M

Kate’s presentation – Not Wearing Pants: Is Freelancing Right for Me?
40 Forward

Bruce Jenner Interview

Video – Bruce Jenner Interview with Diane Sawyer
PFLAG – Educate
Minnesota Transgender Health Coalition

Tweets of the Week!


When people's bios start "happily married" I immediately think "they are totally not happily married."

— Maggie LaMaack (@MaggieLaMaack) April 23, 2015



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