The experiment continues! Cilantro is back to discuss their experience watching Xenosaga: The Animation! Justin, Tyler, Robin and Nick return to help sift through the good and the bad of the adaptation.

This episode was recorded in October 2020. Due to scheduling issues with the other episodes, we are releasing it now. We apologize for any out-of-date information. Stay tuned after the ending song for a rather large helping of bloopers and random chatter!

Opening: Emotions by Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenogears)

Ending: Nephilim by Yamashita Kousuke (Xenosaga: The Animation)

Have any corrections or suggestions for us? You can contact us on Twitter at @XenoChatPodcast or email us at [email protected]. You can also submit comments on our website, XenoChat is a fan podcast. We are not affiliated with Monolith Soft, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, Nintendo, Sega or anyone else.