XenoChat is ready to have fun off of the beaten path! Each Xeno series has its fair share of mini-games, and we are here to break each one down and think up missed opportunities. In this episode, join Justin, Tyler, Mary, Nick, David and Robin's original introduction to the podcast as they discuss mini-games from Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade!

This episode was originally released in 2019. Many things mentioned throughout are out of date; MagFest and Katsucon have passed.

Check out Robin on Twitter: @NihilismB0t

Opening: Emotions by Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenogears)

Ending: Tiger! Tiger! B by Minami Kiyota (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Episode image by Nick (@nickelburg)

Have any suggestions or corrections for us? Contact XenoChat at [email protected] or @Zeno_Chat on Twitter!

XenoChat is a fan podcast. The show is not affiliated with Monolith Soft, Nintendo, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, or anyone else.