We are here today to defend an often misunderstood character within the Xeno franchise: Shion Uzuki of Xenosaga. Join Justin (@JusGuillou), Tyler (@KOSMOSchaos), and two special guests, Kristi (@qb_indeed) and David (trombone_san), as they discuss the highs and lows of Shion Uzuki.

This episode was recorded on September 30th. Any news and information discussed might be outdated. The second part of Production with Pure will be released at a later date.

WARNING: This episode contains massive Xenosaga spoilers and profanity.

Opening theme: "Emotions" by Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenogears)
Ending theme: "Shion ~Emotion~" by Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenosaga Episode I)

This is a fan podcast. Any discussion does not represent Bandai Namco, Nintendo, Monolith Soft, or anyone else.