For this week’s episode, dear listeners, we sit back with some wine (a lot of wine) and talk about our favorite feel-good films: movies that we watch over and over and never seem to tire of. And if you want to drink a lot of wine, too, we recommend a bottle of Wrongo Dongo Red, because we …

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The post Episode 66: Ah Yes, Nicely Put, Evoreeny appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

For this week’s episode, dear listeners, we sit back with some wine (a lot of wine) and talk about our favorite feel-good films: movies that we watch over and over and never seem to tire of.

And if you want to drink a lot of wine, too, we recommend a bottle of Wrongo Dongo Red, because we sure did enjoy our bottle.

Show notes behind the cut!

Movies mentioned:


National Treasure

Seven Samurai

The Cutting Edge



The Road Warrior

Gone in 60 Seconds



Angel and the Badman

People mentioned:

Nicolas Cage

John Travolta

Idina Menzel

Akira Kurosawa

Toshiro Mifune

Takashi Shimura

Ken Marshall

George Miller


Jacques Tati

John Wayne

Gail Russell

The post Episode 66: Ah Yes, Nicely Put, Evoreeny appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.