In this week’s episode, we discuss the glories of films noir, from yesteryear and today. If you would like to drink along with us, our booze of the week is Laphroaig Cairdeas scotch, which seemed a far more appropriate pairing for films noir than our usual wine. Glance below the cut for a list of …

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The post Episode 5: My Garden of Dark Black Flowers appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

In this week’s episode, we discuss the glories of films noir, from yesteryear and today. If you would like to drink along with us, our booze of the week is Laphroaig Cairdeas scotch, which seemed a far more appropriate pairing for films noir than our usual wine.

Glance below the cut for a list of films and people that get mentioned in this week’s episode.

Films mentioned


Public Enemy


Citizen Kane

Nightmare Alley

Double Indemnity

Sunset Boulevard

Ace in the Hole

The Lost Weekend

The Uninvited

Touch of Evil


The Wrong Man


Strangers on a Train


Shadow of a Doubt


Spiral Staircase


White Heat

Rock All Night

Gun Crazy

Odds Against Tomorrow


Orange Is the New Black (TV)

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang



Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Thin Man

American Psycho

Primal Fear

Cape Fear

Smoking Aces

Strange Days

Minority Report

Shutter Island

Taxi Driver

Raging Bull

In Bruges


Lion King

City of Lost Children



Le Samourai

Plein Soleil / Purple Noon

Stray Dog

Seven Samurai

Drunken Angel

High and Low

The Bad Sleep Well



Arsenic and Old Lace

Scarlet Street

Millers Crossing


The Big Lebowski

The Big Sleep

Jackie Brown

Pulp Fiction

The Man Who Wasn’t There

Blood Simple


People mentioned

Mel Gibson

William DeVane

James Cagney

Paul Muni

Billy Wilder

Gloria Swanson

Joseph Cotten

Ray Milland

Kirk Douglas

Charlton Heston

Peter Jackson

Alfred Hitchcock

Hume Cronyn

Teresa Wright

Ingrid Bergman

Angela Lansbury

Charles Boyer

Tyrone Power

Joan Blondell

Agnes Moorehead

Joseph Gordon Levitt

Shane Black

Robert Downey Jr

Val Kilmer

Christian Bale

Ed Norton

Ben Affleck

Henri-Georges Clouzot


Jules Dassin

Tim and Pat Wick

Christopher Jones

Joe Pantoliano

Gina Gershon

Jean-Pierre Melville

Alain Delon

Akira Kurosawa

Takashi Shimura

Toshiro Mifune

Fritz Lang

Peter Lorre

Edward G. Robinson

The Coen Brothers

Quentin Tarantino

Gabriel Byrne

Albert Finney

Terry Gilliam

Other things mentioned

The Hays Code


The Heights Theater

CORRECTION (3/15/2014): We were wrong about Joseph Cotten being in Sunset Boulevard. That was William Holden! (In our defense, William Holden’s voice sounds a lot like Joseph Cotten’s. No, seriously! It’s true!)

The post Episode 5: My Garden of Dark Black Flowers appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.