This week, we chat about religious movies from a secular perspective. Were we able to complete our mission before the laptop’s battery ran out? Listen to find out! We also finally get to read out a listener’s response to our Pleasure Dome questions! (Have you answered our questions yet? You should!) This week’s booze pairing …

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The post Episode 11: A Loving God Would Not Be Mad at Yul Brynner appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.

This week, we chat about religious movies from a secular perspective. Were we able to complete our mission before the laptop’s battery ran out? Listen to find out!

We also finally get to read out a listener’s response to our Pleasure Dome questions! (Have you answered our questions yet? You should!)

This week’s booze pairing is Zonin’s lovely Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, which is fun to say and even more fun to drink.

Further show notes behind the cut!

Movies mentioned:

A View to a Kill

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Ben Hur


The Robe

Samson & Delilah

Passion of the Christ

The Ten Commandments

The Magnificent Seven

The Passion of Joan of Arc

The Message


Jesus Christ Superstar

The Exorcist


The Omen

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Life of Brian

The Seventh Seal

The Seventh Sign

Wall Street



Two of a Kind

Oh God!

Oh God! Book 2

The Wicker Man


Left Behind



DaVinci Code

People mentioned:

Grace Jones

Charlton Heston

Yul Brynner

Hedy Lamarr

Stephen Boyd

Carl Theodore Dryer

Sam Neill

Ingmar Bergman

Demi Moore

Jurgen Prochnow

Christopher Walken

Paul Bettany

Vigo Mortensen

Peter Stormare

Tilda Swinton

Oliver Reed

George Burns

Gabriel Byrne

Mel Gibson

Darren Aronofsky

Paul Bettany

Other things mentioned:

Geeks Without God


The modern score for Dryer’s The Passion of Joan of Arc, mentioned in the podcast, is Voices of Light, composed by Richard Einhorn and performed by Anonymous 4.

During the podcast, Melissa also mentions that scientific teams have discovered evidence of a massive inland flood around the Black Sea, which could serve as a basis for tales of The Great Flood. National Geographic has a nice site dedicated to this geological study.

The post Episode 11: A Loving God Would Not Be Mad at Yul Brynner appeared first on Xanadu Cinema Pleasure Dome.