X8  The Travel Podcast That Takes You Around The World, Beautifully

Stefan Gaessler of The Park Hyatt Doha

0:55:  Peter, what is on your travel bucket list?

2:09:  Welcome Stefan Gaessler, GM of Park Hyatt Doha

3:30:  Tell us little bit about the hotel and what makes the location so special?

5:52:  Doha is similar to New York in that there is so much going on, and it’s continually growing. Is it a very walkable city; how do people get around?

7:42:  There are less than 1million people living in the city, right?

8:08:  How does one open a hotel on this scale during a pandemic?

9:14:  What kinds of things have you been doing to prepare for tremendous undertaking that is The World Cup?!

10:20:  This will be the first time The World Cup has been held in a Middle Eastern country

10:48:  On the tech and security infrastructure investment for The World Cup

12:40:  We are big fans of The Park Hyatt Brand. What makes it so special?

13:42:  Tell us a little bit more about what there is to do nearby, while in Doha?

15:55: We’ll be right over!

16:03:  Thank you Stefan! And thank you for joining us!!