X8  The Travel Podcast That Takes You Around The World, Beautifully

Norway, Baby!

1:05:  On the European Union and COVID travel restrictions

3:25:  Intro and welcome Jessica Meza Owner of Haugan Cruises

3:56:  How are things on the ground in Norway with regard to the pandemic?

4:46:  Your yachts are electric! Tell us how that works and feels?

5:42:  When people get on your yacht wanting to see the Northern lights, what is the “usual” unusual experience?

7:73:  What is one of the most spectacular things that you personally have ever witnessed on one of your cruises? 

9:05:  What do you think the allure of a private ship is right now, especially after the year we’ve all just experienced?

10:35:  Have you noticed an uptick in people specifically wanting to get away from people en masse?

11:43:  What are some of the cool things/special occasions for which people can, or have reserved a cruise?

13:15:  Do you ever get any professional photographers, or mostly just Instagram’ers?

14:00:  For the average traveler; what’s the best way to prepare for some particular destinations, and also to avoid sticker shock?

15:35:  This has been awesome Jessica- how can people find you if they want to book, find out more, or even just fuel a dream? https://www.haugancruises.com or @haugancruises on INSTA  Facebook and YouTube  Or via email: [email protected]

16:00:  Thank you Jessica! And thank you for joining us!!