Previous Episode: Red Hot Pants!
Next Episode: F*ck It's Cold!

Does your favorite sci-fi show have an episode where someone get's a crime pinned on them that they didn't commit (even if it's only VERY briefly)?

For Stella Cheeks, it's the Star Trek TOS episode "Court Martial" and for Erin Cline, it's the X-Files episode "Fire".

Revenge is in the air and jet fuel is in the paint as Stella and Erin figure out whodunnit and who didn't. That old friend? Your spicy ex? Just don't those trust computers or on which grave they had sex! 


About the podcast:

Erin Cline and Stella Cheeks have been friends for over a decade but have never seen each other's favorite TV show. Seeking to rectify that grievous error (seriously, they used to live together), X-Treks was born! Each week the duo choose one episode from Star Trek: The Original Series and one episode from The X-Files that fits a previously chosen cinematic theme, watch them together, and share their feelings! Alongside producer Bobby Hoffman, they discuss their first impressions, how the episodes fit into the larger fan lore, and fascinating behind-the-scenes facts. 


Follow The X-Treks Crew

Twitter: @nydproductions #xtrekspod @Stella_Cheeks @Haberdasher9k 

Instagram: @NYDErnGenC