By Borghy Holm, Wycliffe Bible Translators After a discouraging day showing the JESUS film in northern Ghana, the film crew decided to pack up their gear. Only two percent of the people in the region were believers, and not one person out of the hundreds watching had responded to the invitation of salvation given after […]

By Borghy Holm, Wycliffe Bible Translators

After a discouraging day showing the JESUS film in northern Ghana, the film crew decided to pack up their gear. Only two percent of the people in the region were believers, and not one person out of the hundreds watching had responded to the invitation of salvation given after the film.

Suddenly a man named Mbugri approached the team and asked for prayer. He prayed with them to accept Jesus into his life. The other villagers were astounded. Because the man was deaf, they didn’t understand how he had even understood the film or the message given afterwards.

Mbugri explained that halfway through the film showing, he could suddenly hear for the first time in his life! He knew it was Jesus who had healed him. Seeing this wonderful miracle, many of the villagers—including Mbugri’s entire family of eight—accepted Jesus into their lives.

Teams in Kenya prepare to show the JESUS film

The JESUS film has been translated into more languages and watched by more audiences than any other film in

cinematic history. It is based on the Gospel of Luke, which Wycliffe works to translate. Campus Crusade for Christ International and Wycliffe Bible Translators partner together to bring the JESUS film in the heart language to people all over the world. According to Steve Douglass, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ, “Our work through The JESUS Film Project would not be possible without Wycliffe’s contribution to Bible translation.”

Editor’s note: This story was adapted by Borghy Holm from an article entitled “And the deaf can hear,” a report from The JESUS Film Project.

Wycliffe Bible Translators USA is a Wycliffe Foundation affiliate organization.