Tune in Thursday, 12:30 PM Pacific and join host, Matthew Cummings and his guest, Leo Morejon, Co-founder, Managing Partner of Dog & Pony. Some of what will be discussed in this episode includes: 


What should a marketer's relationship with data look like?
What are the top two points marketers and others mostly struggle with? How can they improve in these areas?
Beyond developing their relationships, what other areas should marketers focus to improve their use of data?
Will marketers relationship with data change based on new advancements in AI, machine learning, and so on?
What’s an area you would tell everyone in data that they need to focus on starting today?

About our guest, Leo Morejon:

Leo Morejon is an award-winning marketer, sales leader, and podcaster. Leo Morejon began his career as a marketer pioneering real-time marketing and as a sales leader at SaaS tech companies. His work includes the world-famous Oreo Super Bowl Blackout Tweet, the first Guinness World Record in social media, and millions in sales across top companies such as Mondelez and The Estee Lauder Companies. Today Leo combines his marketing and sales knowledge to support both marketers and salespeople reach their full potential via consulting, his blog, BuildAndInspire.com, and his sales consultancy, DogAndPony.io.