There is a saying amongst PR practitioners that all coverage is good coverage. That may have been true when media outlets could be counted on one’s two hands but today, if you aren’t reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time, you might as well be yelling into the Grand Canyon. 


Data is out there but it can be overwhelming and a surprising number of communications departments aren’t using it to define, execute and measure the efficacy of their efforts. In this podcast, we will discuss how to use data not just AFTER a campaign but also before to ensure that you are reaching the right audience to achieve your goals.

About our guest: Joe LaMuraglia, MBA

Joe is an accomplished leader with strong business acumen and intellectual curiosity that is always looking for new and efficient ways to achieve business goals. He is known for a diverse skill set that transcends traditional PR competencies and allows for true business partnerships with other functions. Joe has a history of success designing and implementing creative and strategic communications approaches that drive media coverage.

Joe spent the last 10 years in various roles in the Communications function at General Motors most recently running Chevrolet brand communications on the east coast of the U.S. Joe has a B.A. in Public Relations from N.C. State University, an M.B.A. from Thunderbird School of Global Management and he is a member of the inaugural class of the LGBT Executive Leadership Program at Stanford University Graduate School of Business.