Chatbot technology in B2B is developing quickly beyond customer experience to becoming an important part of Top of Funnel (TOF) tactics. Join Koen de Witte, Managing Director at Leadfabric, and Drift's exclusive certified partner in Europe, to hear his insights around next-generation Chatbots in the sub-series, Marketing Horizons hosted by Ruth Stevens and Cyndi Greenglass.

About our Guest:

Koen de Witte is one of the leading martech experts in Europe. He runs a martech services company, Leadfabric, that helps B2B companies across Europe select and install the right marketing technology — CRM, campaign automation — to manage their prospecting and current customer marketing efforts efficiently. Leadfabric also offers full demand gen services to clients — in fact, his was the first full-service B2B demand gen agency in Europe, started in 2008. He’s also a leading expert on chatbot technology, being a certified partner of Drift, one of the leading chatbot providers.

WVU Marketing Communications Today: Horizons is presented by the West Virginia University Reed College of Media, which offers renowned online master’s degree programs in Marketing Communications.