Lindsay Tjepkema is a 2016 alum of the WVU IMC master's program and has spent nearly twenty years in B2B marketing. In 2018, as the VP of Brand and Content at a global enterprise SaaS company, she launched a podcast as part of the brand's integrated marketing strategy. That podcast would not only make a big impact on the brand, but would forever change the trajectory of Lindsay's career.


In launching that podcast, Lindsay saw both a shocking gap in the market and a massive opportunity for brands, which led her to start a software company, Casted, that would empower marketers to harness podcasts - and the conversations within them - as foundational parts of their integrated marketing strategies.

In this podcast, Lindsay will talk about the transition from marketing leader to CEO of a venture-backed tech company. She'll also dig into the important role podcasts play in the next generation of brand strategy.

About Cyndi's guest:

Lindsay Tjepkema is the CEO and co-founder of Casted, the first and only marketing platform built around branded podcasts. With more than 15 years of experience in B2B marketing, including running her own consulting agency, she’s a dynamic leader who’s had tremendous success building and growing marketing teams on a local and global level. After launching a branded podcast for a global marketing company, Lindsay realized her passion for authentic conversations. This led her to founding Casted to help marketers unlock the full potential of their content by harnessing the power of podcasting. The company has since gained rapid traction among brands that wish to create greater connection with their audiences through authentic conversation. Today, with Casted, marketers can manage, activate, and measure podcasts from end-to- end while engaging their audience, increasing sales alignment, and quantifying podcast value with metrics that matter. Learn more at and engage with Lindsay on Twitter @CastedLindsay