The start of 2020 is the perfect time to clarify and sharpen the vision for your personal brand. Too often we take for granted first impressions and how others perceive us.  However, such perceptions frequently form the basis for personal and professional success. And today, many first impressions are made online through search engines and social networks. Your personal brand is bound to exist, especially in an online environment -- whether you explicitly create it, or whether it is implicitly created for you.


In this podcast, Dr. Dawn Edmiston will discuss the value of a personal brand promise and examine practical tools that can be leveraged to create and maintain a professional online profile. Dr. Edmiston will also share how LinkedIn was responsible for finding her dream job and tips for how to leverage your personal brand for success in 2020.


WVU Marketing Communications Today is hosted by Nathan Pieratt from West Virginia University which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel