Juhan Kaarma is the Co-founder of OXDrive, an innovative and fast growing car-sharing company based in Latvia with Tesla EV’s in their fleet, among other brands. However, before launching OXDrive with his fellow founding partners, Juhan spent his early years dreaming of one day ending up on tech-crunch and even ended up building 2 SaaS businesses before he discovered his immense love for electric shared mobility.

Today OXDrive has enabled over 4 million km drives on zero emission, doing their part in accelerating the Baltic region to a better and sustainable future.

Juhan Karma, an entrepreneur with two successful SaaS companies, envisioned driving innovation forward. Discovering his passion for EVs and fostering a shared future, he co-founded OXDrive with Egija, Kristians, and Kristaps. Their 150+ fleet has traveled

Juhan, the visionary behind OXDrive, discusses the journey of establishing the pioneering car-sharing enterprise in Latvia. Beginning his entrepreneurial path after university, Juhan overcame challenges to create OXDrive, leveraging his software background to drive success.

Challenges in securing financing and navigating the absence of Tesla in Baltic markets were countered by strategic marketing and angel investor support. OXDrive's future entails expansion into Tallinn and Vilnius, leveraging automation and AI for operational optimization and customer experience enhancement.

Juhan's commitment to sustainability drives OXDrive's mission of providing convenient, affordable, and eco-friendly mobility solutions, offering insights into the future of urban mobility and entrepreneurship.