What is news? In this episode Snap Judgment ’s Glynn Washington says, “It’s an interesting question not because I think that news is being redefined. There used to be at least lip service or homage paid to a lack of bias in news." He continues, "Now people are wearing their bias when they are delivering the news. It’s hard to make a world view, a way that you understand how the world works when you don’t have any facts or when you fail to take facts in account that might challenge your world view. I think news sources are less and less facts and more rage and opinion. I think it is exceptionally hard these days to get real good news.” What is news? Also in this episode WUNC’s 16-year-old Youth Reporter LouLou Batta says, “I define news as information. I think in the word news the first three letters… n-e-w… are really important. A new perspective, a new idea, a new event. Any way that is brought to you is news.”