Brian Federal is a documentary filmmaker on a mission for the 3D Print Education Revolution. Initially he started out just want to document the emergence of 3D Print economy but quickly realized that lack of education is what is holding the revolution at bay. His passion for the technology and spreading the word should get you into your local schools or looking for alternative means to 3D Print Education reform.

Lack of 3D Print education is the #1 problem and the solutions might need to be outside the educational system
Ease of use and 3D Print language does not serve the learning process
How teaching 3D Print experimentation can help us all (young and old) eliminate the paralysis of making mistakes and taking risks
3D Printing Revolution
Brian Federal’s YouTube – Assa Ashuach
Terry Wohlers
Biomimicry, Fractals & Bionomics articles
John Bokla’s i3D Program
Chris Anderson’s Long Tail
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