A listener who just recently bought a 3D Printer, and is also a beginner learning CAD modeling, wrote an email into the show and asked a very good question. “How can I change a free downloaded 3D model?” In this WTFFF?! episode Tom and Tracy discuss the realities of accomplishing this seemingly simple task. Beginners may expect it should be easy to make a “simple” change in a short period of time, but depending on what you want to change, as a beginner it may be a very tall task. Regardless of your current skill level, learning how you can manipulate free 3D models is a worthwhile endeavor, as you will learn some of the fundamentals of 3D modeling and 3D printing.

To send us a voicemail, go to 3dstartpoint.com or wtfffpodcast.com or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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