Even though it's Wednesday, we are continuing our Hyper Tech Tuesday from our Ask Us Anything Event with MatterHackers. Part two contains questions geared more towards the advanced 3D print user as well as some live question and answer session from the audience. To send us a message, go to 3dstartpoint.com or shoot us a […]

Even though it’s Wednesday, we are continuing our Hyper Tech Tuesday from our Ask Us Anything Event with MatterHackers. Part two contains questions geared more towards the advanced 3D print user as well as some live question and answer session from the audience.

To send us a message, go to 3dstartpoint.com or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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