We have found the perfect client matchmaking service for 3D Print Designers and it’s being built Down Under. Bobby Lin has taken his experience as a 3D visual effects designer and translated it into a service business that fosters project relationships between 3D Print Designers and businesses/inventors who have ideas but need the 3D Print skills. With milestone-based payments and secure transfer of design files, MyLocal3DPrinting.com is the Matchmaker for 3D Print Designers.

Hear why the 3D Print Australian market is still fairly green
How good 3D Print Designers are going to be in demand
Why 3D Print Designers need to show their skills off, not “sell” 3D Print designs
Why overcoming performance concerns for both the client (project creator) and 3D Print Designers is the key to encouraging more 3D Print projects
MyLocal3D Printing.com

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