Conditional joy  is the practice of only allowing yourself to experience joy when something happens. If this changes then I'll be joyful, or if only this were true then I'd be joyful. This can also be when you are in a state of joy then try to grasp onto it so that you can make the next moment joyful. All of these examples do not allow you to fully feel into the joy that is happening or at very least restricts your experience of the joy based on some conditions. 
This practice robs of living present in joy and has us on an endless search for the perfect time and place to allow joy in our lives. 

Do you practice conditional joy? 

Have a listen as per usual the conversation took some interesting twists and turns!

Originally recorded on CH February 9, 2023

As we often mention on the podcast that some of our mic drop moments hould be on t-shirts ... we have done it! We started a merch store where you can get some of our great sayings on t-shirts, hoodies and so much more. Be sure to check it out! Here is the link

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