Russia is the leader of nuclear weaponry at 6,200 and they have just started bombing the Ukraine on 2/23/2022. The US isn't far behind with 5, 600 nuc's. Cool i know, but the White House is trying to spin it like there are just crisis actors in town and they are filming a bad Borat film in the Ukraine. I ain't buying it! Canada has zero anything considered weaponary that flies as war is concerned, zip, zilch, Nada! But, here we are sending fire arms to Russia today?!? Meanwhile tonight Vladimir Putin has sent a STRONG message to the entire world and anyone who wants to get involved with this crisis between they and the Ukraine! Well, my friends, I do believe we have now entered what could be World War 3 and the end of the world as we know it! Do you know who Jesus is? New - Washington Post's- Siob'han O'Grady This is a MUST listen EP...(Matthew 25:13)