Here we are at this point of the COVID 19 game where The vaccinated vs. The unvaccinated are really fighting for theirr freedom's. Some for the right to live a life with fear of catching COVID to a deadly degree and other's the right to choose what goes inside their bodies based on their uncertainty and or religious beliefs. While many folks are just looking to get back to what they considered a normal existence and trusting science to return them there in that proverbial time machine; others including some of your favorite athletes like Kyrie Irving just aren't feeling it enough to trust science and the Gov't with their choice? This has brought about a point of contention when considering how to keep your jobs and remain unvaccinated for whatever religious or uncertain reasons of your choice. I'm going to try and tackle what we have already discussed in past episodes of Wtf-Landia Radio Show so dive right in with dissenting ears. Enjoy🎧